Driven by dreams. Are you dreaming up your business success?

If you can imagine something, you have taken the first step of creating it. How about that? It applies to creating art, does it also apply to business success? Can imagination be the foundation for bold business ambition? I never considered myself as overly visionary or dreamy until I realised I might just have skipped a beat. With my go-getter mentally and get things moving quickly I missed the opportunity of the boundless energy and capacity that comes from chasing dreams; hence, now I am convinced that being imaginative is the core ingredient to unlocking surplus potential. One must look deeply beyond the ordinary and mundane to discover new and exciting opportunities. Seeing the invisible and imagine without limits, being open to the inspiration the world around us, the universe, produces, avoiding that our mind creates a limited world.

Embracing our dreamy side and nurturing our creativity allows for new things to be born, transformation, breaking free from convention, and out-of-the-box thinking. Leaning forward in an energetic state of creative momentum, filled with hope that our brightest ideas are still waiting for us and that our most outstanding achievements are yet to come. It is an abundant mindset and the river never dries up. As in this imaginative, all is possible, state there is no telling where the next great idea will come from, it's essential to stay open to what's around you, pay attention, and listen. Open minded, receiving, instead of our over achiever obsession of getting a lot of things done. Away from action, pursuing the path of slowing down and imagination. It can be beneficial to bring much more simplicity into our work, removing barriers and creating space for the essential elements of our mission. Then, we have the time and space to foster bold ideas, dream up new adventures, and be open-minded. No idea is too absurd and everyone has a voice. Imagine that!

The Author

Nicole Pieterse

Founder Bloom

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